Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hullabaloo Sneak Peaks!!!


So there are LOTS of things going on this week! This is the last week I get to prep for Hissyfits Hullabaloo!!!

For this last week I want to start doing a Hullabaloo Sneak Peak every day. I already have 4 sneak peaks on my FaceBook page that you can find a link to over on the left side of the page. I'm also going to be sending these pictures to my Twitter! ^^

So here are the four that I have so far!~

My super cute polymer clay Sweet Lolita themed heart shaped cookie sandwiches, these cute babies are one of a few signature charms that I have to offer in my Etsy shop. They will be in these 5 colors at the show!~

Here is another one of my signature charms (my others will be available at the show but they are not ready yet), these come in three yummy flavors and are also available on my Etsy!~

My ice cream cones are one of my personal favorite crochet items that I offer! They are not currently in my Etsy shop but they are available for purchase, just ask. They come in 5 flavors!~

Lastly, these are my cute cup cakes, also in 5 flavors, they are also available for purchase but not in my Etsy shop. So again, if you would like a cute cup cake for yourself, just email me!~

That is about it for the first part of my Hullabaloo sneak peak!~ I hope those that are in the Phoenix area are going to come visit me and my husband at my booth on November 6th!!!! ^^

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hissyfits Coupon!~

WOO! SO ladies and gents' I have been working tirelessly on my items for Hissyfits!!! I finally got the flyer!!!

I also have a coupon that you can print off and bring to me for BOGO 50% off ^^

If you know how to get the smell of mildew out of stuff, I would like to know..... x.x
I have some jewelery stands (necks, bracelet stands, ring showcase, earring holders and so on) that smell like mildew for reasons I don't want to get into b/c I dunno who reads this.... So if you have anyway to help, PLEASE tell me T^T

That's about it, other than my Halloween charms that are going to be posted this week. ^^

Happy Crafting!~ 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I'm hoping to have some previews of the crochet things that will be sold at Hissyfits Hullabaloo by the end of the week. I have a few different amigurumis that will be made, which include cupcakes, ice cream cones, baby whales, big foot/sasquatch/yeti, mushrooms in three sizes and maybe some little bunnies. Clay items include an assortment of my charms some of which are ice cream cones, sammiches, PB&J BFF sets, cookie sandwiches, angry/happy fruits/veggies, cakes and a whole plethora of other charms!~ Lastly, I've been wanting to try some beaded jewelry, so those will be debuting at this show as well!

Some review posts will be posted as well by the weekend as I have SEVERAL packages coming in the mail. basically it's just supplies and such for the show, nothing too major ^^

I have no pictures this time, but you can enjoy this picture of my baby girl, Juno. 

Happy Crafting!~

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hissyfits Hullabaloo and Dollfie Stuff for Sale

So I will be at the Hissyfits Hullabaloo craft show in Phoenix, AZ in November on the 6th! I will be there with my husband and lots of polymer clay and crochet wares. If you're going to be there stop by and say 'hi!' I want to do a 'sale' for my followers, I don't know what to do yet - maybe if you say a certain word to me, or some such.... if you guys have any ideas let me know!~ But I plan on doing something like that. <3

Also, I will have some pictures up of what I'm going to be selling, but I can give you some insight now: cupcake amigurumi, polymer clay Christmas ornaments, my polymer clay charms, some deco and polymer clay rings and some very special items that you will have to wait for!~ xp

In other news, there really isn't much... other than the fact that I'm am - again - trying to sell the remained of my ABJD stuffs. I have several listings on DoA if you have an account there and you want to check them out these are the links

FairyLand PukiPuki Cloths/Shoes & YOSD Cloths
LeekeWorld and DollMore Glass Eyes
FairyLand LittleFee Bisou GIRL Closed Eyed Face Plate W/o Faceup
LeekeWorld and eLuts YOSD/MSD/SD Wigs

For those of you that do not have a DoA account here are some pictures, I kind of put them in order of the links I provided, so it's the zippered pouch, Puki cloths/shoes, YOSD cloths, glass eyes, Bisou face plate, YOSD wigs, MSD wigs (the third MSD wig was never put on a doll so I have the official LeekeWorld photos next to it), SD wig (I did the same as the third MSD wig). Just email me at if you are interested in any of them or want more pictures.

Happy Crafting!~ <3


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Make-up! Wha? o.o (a mini review)

So I recently found a makeup that I am IN LOVE with! It took me a while since my dermatology clinic stopped selling Glo Minerals - which is an AWESOME mineral makeup by the way. And I know what you're saying, there are LOADS of great makeups out there! But I have horribly sensitive skin and thus cannot wear makeup that you can find anywhere. And even though the clinic started selling another brand, I was in the midst of moving to Arizona, so I could no long buy from them since it was a local clinic. I thought about trying Bare Minerals, but they're too darn expensive for my blood (so was Glo, but I got a SUPER discount since my father works at the clinic).

So I decided to shop on Etsy for some samples. One shop that I had always seen in the treasuries that make it to the front page was Beneficial Minerals. I'm usually reluctant to buy makeup off the internet, but I needed something, so I shopped around their site and found a set of four samples in 5g jars. This makeup is 100% vegan, and is handmade my a woman in Washington State. This mini color matching set was only $8 (+ $2.69 S&H), so I figured I would give it a go. I got all the lightest colors - pale girl is pale - and waited for it to show up on my doorstep.

Needless to say I was the lightest of the 4 that I got (fair - no surprise there) and I have used about half of the 5g jar so far - which is sad.

The thing that I like about mineral makeup is that it covers EVERYTHING, I have never experienced such an ease of use with any synthetic make up. You use your little kabuki brush, swipe it on and you're good. If I wasn't so darn pale I wouldn't need blush with this. And the awesome thing is, after years of using mineral makeup, it is the only makeup that doesn't make you look like you're wearing anything because the particles are so small that when they warm up to the temp of your skin it seases to look powdery and stuff.

Lastly, since I made this purchase I got an email from her with a 15% coupon code (please email me for the coupon code using the email listed below, I will respond within 24 hours) for anyone that wants to use it, until the end of the year. If you include my email ( in the comments to the seller when you check out she sends me a goodie as well!!!! So don't forget!~ ^^

Monday, September 12, 2011

I Win!!!

So, I entered a contest for KimchiKawaii on DeviantART about a month ago.

I entered with this

The contest was to recreate her mascot Roary in your medium of choice, I chose polymer clay - I was also going to do a crochet one but never got to it.

Anyway, I won! And I won 2 acrylic charms of my choice (acrylic charms of her art obviously), a sticker sheet of asian foods (again in her art) as well as my OC drawn by her! I will add pictures of that when the time comes as well as a video of everything when I get it.

Lastly, as a thank you, I will be mailing her the sculpture!~ ^^

Starting over

So I decided I wanted to start up my proper blog again instead of using Tumblr. While I will still be updating my Tumblr with cute stuff and my videos and what not I will be doing most of my tutorials and 'about me' stuff in this area instead of Tumblr or my dA journal anymore.

Still getting things here set up... some of the stuff isn't working for me and every url name I can think of has been taken and it's making me angry.... 

Anyway! Have a great day and happy crafting!~